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The Value of Screen-Free Time at Camp.

Summer Camps are an opportunity for kids to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with nature. Here are some benefits of screen-free time.

January 9, 2024

In a world dominated by screens and digital devices, the notion of a screen-free environment may seem almost unthinkable. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the average screen time for children aged 8 to 18 was around 7 hours per day; this includes time spent on various devices such as smartphones, computers, TVs, and video games. And when we consider physical activity, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that children and teenagers spend more time with electronic media than any other activity except for sleeping, which leads to concerns about a decline in outdoor activities.

However, when it comes to the immersive experience of summer camp, screen-free time is a tradition that holds profound value in fostering genuine connections, promoting outdoor exploration, and nurturing personal growth. Here are some benefits of stepping out of the digital world into the magical world of summer camps. 

Rediscovering Nature

One of the primary advantages of screen-free time at summer camp is the opportunity for campers to rediscover and reconnect with the beauty and wonders of the natural world. Freed from the distractions of mobile devices, campers are encouraged to engage with the outdoors, breathe fresh air, play in the sun and develop a deep appreciation for the environment around them. Campers will venture outdoors and explore the natural surroundings through different activities, from hiking trails to participating in traditional camp activities, screen-free time allows campers to embrace adventure and develop a love for outdoor exploration.

Fostering Real Connections

The American Academy of Pediatrics expressed concerns about the potential negative effects of excessive screen time on social interactions and communication skills in children. Screen-free time encourages face-to-face interactions, which are crucial for social and emotional development. During camp, children will be encouraged to engage in face-to-face interactions and work together with other campers. 

Whether gathered around a campfire, participating in team-building activities, or sharing stories under the stars, the absence of screens promotes more genuine connections and more attention to the people around, allowing campers to build friendships that are rooted in shared experiences and personal connections. Through friendship connections and different adventures comes the creation of lasting memories, as campers recall shared experiences, personal triumphs, and the joy of connecting with others in an environment where the absence of screens allows them to be fully present and engaged.


Mental Well-being

The prevalence of screen time and its potential impact on mental health has been a subject of research. Some studies suggest a correlation between excessive screen time and issues like increased stress, anxiety, and depression in children and adolescents. It is no doubt that all the activity in the digital world has affected our mental health, and sometimes, too much social media or general screen time can be harmful.

Research from organizations like the National Wildlife Federation emphasizes the benefits of outdoor play for children's physical and mental well-being. Outdoor activities contribute to improved mood, reduced stress levels, and enhanced cognitive development. Disconnecting offers campers a mental break, essential for their well-being, allowing them to relax, unwind, and fully immerse themselves in the present moment without the distractions and pressures of the digital world.

Cultivating Creativity and Imagination

Through different activities, campers will be motivated to tap into their creativity and imagination. Without the influence of the internet, campers can engage in unstructured play, create art, and explore their interests, fostering a sense of innovation and self-expression that goes beyond the limitations of digital platforms. They will search for their creativity in their own thoughts, feelings and experiences, fostering self-discovery and getting in touch with their emotions. 

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence and Independence 

In summer camp, kids learn to navigate their emotions and communicate with others on a deeper level. They develop emotional intelligence and explore offline communications, valuing face-to-face interactions and support, and gaining an insight in how they express their own feelings using facial expressions, understanding their body language, and expressing themselves authentically; skills that are often overshadowed in the digital world. The absence of screens encourages campers to rely on their own resourcefulness and creativity for entertainment and problem solving. This fosters a sense of independence and resilience as campers navigate challenges, solve problems, and adapt to the dynamic and unplugged camp environment.


Enhancing Focus and Mindfulness

Screen-free time contributes to the development of focus and attention skills. Without the constant bombardment of notifications and digital distractions, campers engage in activities with undivided attention, honing their ability to concentrate on tasks, connect with others, and fully immerse themselves in the present moment. This also helps them accomplish tasks in a faster and better way, get their creativity going while they immerse in the activities and get more joy out of what they are doing. This also promotes mindfulness, a state of being fully present in the moment, as children learn to appreciate the simple joys of life, from the warmth of sunlight to the sounds of nature in the campgrounds, fostering a sense of gratitude and mindful living that can stay with them even once they go back home.

In a world where screens often mediate our interactions and experiences, the value of screen-free time at summer camp becomes clear. It is a deliberate choice that empowers campers to embrace nature, connect authentically with others, form a deeper sense of self-discovery and self-expression and embark on a journey of personal growth. Summer camp leaves campers with cherished memories and a profound appreciation for the unplugged moments.

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