When selecting a summer camp for your child, age is a crucial factor to take into account. Considering it is essential for ensuring that they have a delightful and fulfilling camp experience that caters to their specific needs, interests and developmental stages. Each age group has unique considerations, so we offer guidance on what to keep in mind when evaluating various camps.

Preschoolers (Ages 3-5)
If you’re planning to send your preschooler to camp, you might want to consider day camps. Look for local camps that offer short sessions or half-days, this may be easier for them, as some children may not be ready for extended stays.
Kids in this age group usually enjoy constant entertainment and encouragement, therefore, camps with themes are a great idea. Arts and crafts, nature exploration, and sports are some of the most common themes, but you can find many more.
When you choose a camp, make sure that you check their staff qualifications, this will also help to keep you care-free when your child is there. Ensure that the camp has staff trained in early childhood education and experience working with young children; check their safety procedures and how they would manage an emergency.

Elementary School (Ages 6-10)
Day camps are also great for kids this age, but if you find that they would like to experience overnight camps, then you might want to look for camps with short sessions, as a long time away from home can still be hard for them.
An important aspect at this age is to be open to new experiences, abilities and passions. To foster this, camps with diverse activities are your best allies; they will introduce your child to a variety of interests, and help them explore their skills.
Look for camps that give your child their independence, yet focus on supervised play, skill-building, and social interaction. They might enjoy getting a sense of freedom, but it is important that they are well cared for and can ask for support at any time.

Preteens (Ages 11-13)
Preteens may be ready for longer overnight camps experience, although some may still prefer day camps that are closer to home. If they have a strong interest which they would like to pursue, then they might enjoy a specialty camp that helps them develop this, they can focus on sports, arts, STEM, outdoor adventure, and many others, so you will most definitely find something that aligns with what they like.
Encouraging your child to attend camp with a friend or sibling may make it easier for them to transition from day camps to longer sleepaway camps, and it would also make it more enjoyable to share this experience with someone they already know and love.

Teenagers (Ages 14-17)
Teens may benefit from more specialized camps that focus on building up certain skills, this can include leadership camps, academic camps, or volunteer opportunities. These camps may give them a better idea of their interests, what they want to do when they’re older, present them with role models and develop their abilities.
Another advantage of being a teen is that you can go on more wild and extreme adventures. They’re age and abilities make them more prepared for challenging escapades like canoeing, kayaking, climbing and even wilderness survival. There are many camps that focus on these types of experiences, and some that offer them as optional extra programs.
Involve your teen in the decision-making process and encourage them to look for and decide what camp they want to visit, this way you can make sure that they choose something that meets their expectations for the summer.

Young Adults (Ages 18+)
Teens this age may be looking for more specified camps, as they might’ve already decided what career they want to head into and know what interests them. There are many career-oriented camps for your teen to choose from, and they will definitely find one that is related to their passions.
Leadership camps are other good options to develop leadership skills. This capability is one that they’re gonna need once they graduate, so it’s always good to practice and strengthen it. Counselor-in-training programs are also a good option to pursue leadership roles.
If your teen is nervous about getting into college, then a college prep camp may be what they need. These camps for young adults focus on college preparation, admissions, vocational orientation and practicing life and professional skills.
Remember that each child is unique, so it's essential to consider their individual needs, interests, and maturity level when selecting the appropriate camp. By taking your child's age and specific preferences into account, you can ensure they have a rewarding and memorable camp experience.