What's a campfire's favorite song?
"Smoke on the Water"!.
How do you catch a squirrel at summer camp?
Climb a tree and act like a nut.
What do you call a bear that loves singing around the campfire?
A "bearitone"!.
What did one marshmallow say to the other at the camp fire?
"Stop roasting me, I'm too hot to handle!".
How do you organize a space-themed summer camp?
You "planet"!.
Why did the bear bring a backpack to summer camp?
Because he wanted to have all his "bear" necessities!.
Why did the scarecrow become a camp counselor?
Because he was outstanding in his field!.
What do you call a bear that loves summer camp?
A "happy camper"!.
What did the grape think of summer camp?
"It was vine-tastic!".
How did the smartphone feel about going to summer camp?
It was a bit "app"-rehensive about not having any signal! .

What did the sleeping bag say to the tent?
"I'm really excited, but I'm just a bit "tied up" right now!".
Why did the WiFi signal go to summer camp?
It wanted to get better at "connecting" with nature!.
How do you organize a camp for baby goats?
You "kid" around!.
Why was the math book sent to summer camp?
To improve its "problem"-solving skills!.
Why did the tent get an award?
Because it had the best "pitch" in the story contest!.
Why did the ghost decide to go to summer camp?
It wanted to make some "boo-tiful" memories!.
Why did the computer go to summer camp?
To learn how to "surf" outdoors .
Why did the river want to go to summer camp?
It heard it was a great place to "stream" new friendships!.
Why did the tent feel embarrassed at summer camp?
It thought it was too "sheltered" to fit in! .
Why did the volleyball have a great time at summer camp?
Because it always got a "serve" of fun! .
Enjoy the summer spirit with these jokes!